This is my intial attempt at a web page.
I hope to learn more as I continue toward
a greater knowledge of this medium.
The internet exists before humanity
as a mechanism of the digital age
utilized for marketing, community
and the advancement of ideas.
  The notion of
a distributed
network of knowledge
is similar to a complex
system of biological
origins, be it language
or the social structures
exhibited by humans.
  I appreciate
the opportunity
afforded individuals
through this process
of sharing information.
hello I enjoy that there exists no central designer
who controls the DNA of the world wide web.
This allows for a robust system architecture
mirroring the neural network of the brain,
and all of us can affirm every day the
accomplishment of our neural processes
and their subsequent achievements
in our great history as humans.


This is an image I created in my web authoring class at The School at The Art Institute of Chicago. I found my inspiration for this image in the mathematical capacity of the human mind. The image is a simple math process repeated to the point of artistry, all art is technique. I hope that we as humans work intelligently as well as with sustained effort toward our goal, the mastery of technique.

Why I like being an Art student.

Being an art student accomadates the greatest skill we collectively own as human beings; the skill to convert received information from our environment into a communicable inspiration for our fellow humans. It is through technique that one becomes adroit in their exegesis and exploration of the human experience, and it is by technique that the richness of human life is communicated. All technique based work, be it the plastic arts, technology (the application of our sciences) or the pure arts of medicine, advance our capacity to improve our collective understanding of the world. It is the goal of all of these artists to better our position in life and continue the noble progress of our species.


I say vibration in the most literal sense
Plugged-in she remains with headphones on
Sound quick, slight, a tight room facing the source
Behind synthesized pitches she enters a symphony privatized
Plugged-in she remains with headphones on
Fan inside, circuits cool and running
Behind sythesized pitches she enters a symphony privatized
Oscillators resonating the octave range transposed
Fan inside, circuits cool and running
Instruments that balance, equal, amplify or intensity
Oscillators resonating the octave range transposed
Resonance of notes unplugged, not amplified
I say vibration in the most literal sense
Instruments that balance, equal, amplify or intensify
Resonance of notes unplugged, not amplified
Sound quick, slight, a tight room facing the source

kinder jungen kinder child